New tools

Simple Therapy (ST)
is a set of some new tools in it,
developed at the Solutions Centre Rousse Bulgaria.

Therapy starts with the
Opening Questions:
What do you think we need to talk about first?
What do you think we should do now?
What do you think I have to ask you first?
What do you think is the question we must answer first?

When clients put the first question they want to have answered,
the therapist simply repeats it, that is he asks the
Echoing (Parrot’s) Question.

If the client’s first question is ‘Why?’, the therapist relies on
The Razor’s Final Cut:
Everything happens first, and then becomes a habit.
(see ‘The Vomiting Girl’ in the ‘Library’ section of this site)

The therapist usually does not use the Final Cut as a declarative sentence.
Following the Jesuit tradition of SFBT
(see ‘SFBT Roots’ in the ‘Library’ section of this site),
(s)he asks the Why Clearing Questions:
When did this habit happen first (last)?
How often does this habit happen lately?

Upon clearing the ‘Why?’ question,
what usually follows is
The Awakening Question:
What are we going to do about it?
(asked by clients themselves)

Then the therapist puts down the clients’ answers to this on a
From 1 to 5 written tasks, self-appointed by the clients to themselves.

Then the therapist asks for the
Follow-up Permission:
If you let one of us ask you 6 months from now … (the Follow-up Questions),
please write down your phone number.

Six months later someone from the therapist’s team
contacts the client to ask the
Follow-up Questions:
How are things going on for you?
Was our meeting(s) useful for you?

Theoretical basis of Simple Therapy is the discovery of the Therapeutic Wheel: