Plamen Panayotov, MD is a psychiatrist, Chairman of the Board of Solutions Centre Rousse Bulgaria.
Curriculum Vitae
Phones +359 82 845898, +359 82 840207
Mobiles +359 885 382096, +359 878 435014
E-mails ,
Svetlana Tsoneva is a clinical psychologist specialized in labor ability evaluation. She organizes many of the activities at the Rehabilitation Center for people with mental problems.
Phone +359 82 845738
Diana Dyankova, MD is a psychiatrist and social worker. She has special interest in chronic psychiatric patients’ rehabilitation and social involvement.
Milena Stoyanova is a clinical psychologist. She works in the Day Center and Protected Home for addicted people.
Mobile +359 886 011208
Behat Gugov is a user of medical and social services.
Talented singer and poet, he loves to play chess and backgammon.
Qualified builder and agricultural worker; provides great care for the disabled.
Mobile + 359 886 925465
Lilia Ivanova is a psychiatric nurse experienced in working with children, young people, and chronic psychiatric patients. She works at the Rehabilitation and Social Integration Center for people with psychiatric problems.
Phone +359 82 845898
Mobile + 359 884 849617
Rositsa Mihaylova is a Master in Health Care Management, Member of the Board of Solutions Centre Rousse, and Manager of its Social Rehabilitation and Integration Centre.
phone +359 82 845898, mobile +359 884 998909